The US presidential-election is over, and the American people have re-written the country's history. They chose a black person to be their 44th president for the first time in the American history. And now, Iranian people are looking forward to their next year presidential-election seeking their own version of Obama. Today and facing a volatile world political terrain, their task is a crucial one.
As it has been predicted here long before the US election, Mr Obama was the only option America and, for the world peace, the world had. By electing Mr Obama, Americans have shown their disapproval for the Bush administration and policies which have been implemented by it, or at least tried to, in the past eight years in the office, policies such as invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. America has plunged into the political mine-fields in Iraq and Afghanistan. Political mine-fields which, perhaps, are only comparable to those of the Korean war of 1950s and the Vietnam war of 1950s-70.
After many years, not being able to bring the precarious situations in Iraq and Afghanistan under control, let alone elsewhere in the world, has already had a detrimental effects on the US international status. The situations vivify an old saying from the president Johnson era in regard to the Vietnam War which says: "The United States has the power to destroy but no power to control". The failure badly dents the image of the world only Superpower to such extent that the notion of 'the world's only Superpower' is no longer relevant.
Nevertheless, I strongly believed, as was predicted here long before the election, Americans had no choice but to elect Obama. Why? firstly, Because electing yet another Neo-conservative war-mongering republican was out of the question. And secondly, between the two democrat candidates, Obama and Clinton, the choice was obvious.
Now that, they did their part, it is the Iranian people turn to search for their own version of Obama. They are facing the exact dilemma which the American people were facing. However, their task is somehow bigger and more important than their American counterpart, they have to produce a capable Iranian-Omaba and to do it in an un-democratic environment!