Friday, April 10, 2009

Khatami Has Given Way to Mosavi

Now that Mohammad Khatami - former Iranian president - has withdrawn from the country's coming-up presidential-election; he has introduced Mr. Mir Hossein Mosavi - the first and the last Iranian prime-minister of the revolution's time as his favourite candidate.

Mr. Mosavi is - more or less - an unknown figure to the new generation Iranian voters inside the country. He has not been a public personality - at least in the Islamic Republic political-landscape - for the last 20 years. He had been the first and the last prime minister of the country in 1980s - the Islamic Republic changed its executive system of government during his term and removed the prime ministership position. He had served under Mr. Ali Khameneei's presidency - then president and the current Spiritual Leader of the Islamic Republic.
Beside of being unknown to the Iranians however, Mr. Mosavi certainly is, in comparison with Mr. Khatami, a stranger to the outside world as well.
This could somewhat justify the Mr. Khatami's action to be the first person to name him as a potential candidate - "if Mr. Mosavi is ready to run for the office then I will not come", said Mr. Khatami. It was Mr. Khatmi himself who brought him to the fore. Now that Mr. Mosavi is a candidate, Mr. Khatami is gone.

Nonetheless and regardless of who is who and who is going to compete in the coming election, it is the Iranian people who are responsible to offer their best candidate to the world. After all, the well-being of the Iranian people and the country economically, the security and national interests of the country, the Middle East peace and stability and in a broader sense the world peace are somewhat depended on the way in which the next Iranian president and his administration engage the outside world.

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